
Thyme Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Thymus vulgaris)
Part of plant used – herb

Thyme is an anti-infectious oil, and is very potent initially. It can also be used as a household disinfectant and a home deodoriser. You can use the oil in any number of ways for excellent results.

Emotional Applications

  • helps concentration
  • to focus on getting powerful results
  • to help your body’s immune system

Physical Applications

  • Colds, flu, catarrh, sinus,coughs, asthma – inhalation and vapouriser
  • Laryngitis, sore throats – inhalation, vapouriser, topical
  • Flatulence and dyspepsia – massage
  • Circulatory problems – massage, compress, topical


  • Do not take internally.
  • Can cause skin irritations in certain people – do a patch test.
  • Do not use if you suffer from high blood pressure
  • Adults only
  • Do not use topically if pregnant.