Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

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There are three types of chamomile plant, but the most popular and well used is the German. There are substances in the oil of the chamomile flower that seem to calm the central nervous system, relax the digestive tract, and speed the healing process.

How It May Benefit You…

  • stomach and organ cramps
  • gas and nervous stomach
  • indigestion
  • ulcers
  • menstrual cramps
  • insomnia
  • colic
  • bladder problems.
  • maintains bones and connective tissues.

Apply externally for:

  • swelling and pain in the joints
  • skin inflammation and sunburn
  • cuts and scrapes
  • teething pain
  • varicose veins
  • haemorrhoids
  • sore or inflamed eyes.

Use as a gargle for:

  • gingivitis and
  • sore throat.


None known – however always speak with a Health Professional before diagnosing yourself or taking too much of any herb.Allergies to chamomile are rare…However it is part of the daisy family and some people are allergic to these plants.

WARNING: Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.


Available as prepared tea, tincture, essential oil, and dried or fresh flowers.