Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

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(Ocimum basilicum)


This herb comes from the mint family and the part of the plant used for medicinal purposes is the leaves. It improves the cardiovascular system, digestive and immune system as well as assisting with nervous problems.

How It May Benefit You…

  • improves blood circulation during pregnancy.
  • helps gastric conditions and generally improves digestion
  • reported to help various forms of cancer
  • rids the body of certain bacteria
  • relieves insect bites – if applied topically
  • as an essential oil – wakefullness and alertness
  • nervous Headaches.
  • alleviates the symptoms of whooping cough

WARNING: Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.


Basil is available fresh (and also as a dried spice for culinary use).

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.