Calorie and Vitamin Counter

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This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes. 

Calorie and Vitamin Counter

Food Amount Cal K/J
Full Cream 1 cup 167 700
Trim 1 cup 115 480
Skim 1 cup 88 365
Soy(average) 1 cup 160 670
Natural 200g 160 670
Non-fat/skim 200g 120 500
Fruit Flavoured 200g 190 790
3cm Cube 30g 120 500
Shredded 1/2 cup 240 1000
Ice Cream – Vanilla/Flavoured 1 reg scp 90 375
1 Ltre Tub 900 3760
Butter 1 tsp 36 150
Margarine 1 tsp 36 150
Oil (incl vegetable, grapeseed, linseed, olive, peanut, sesame etc) 1 tbsp 176 735
Eggs – jumbo 67g 100 420
Steaks – Blade (no oil, grilled) 100g 175 730
Eye Fillet 100g 196 820
Corned Beef 100g 210 880
Fillet 100g 196 820
Rump 100g 190 800
T Bone 100g 135 565
Mince (Steak) 100g 210 880
Leg of Lamb Roast 2 slices 170 710
Bacon (fried – minimal fat) 1 rasher 112 470
Chicken – Roasted breast 100g 110 460
Leg/Thigh 100g 210 880
Fish (white fish, low fat) 100g 100 420
Baked Beans 220g 205 860
Cereals – no milk
Corn Flakes 1 1/3cups 113 475
All Bran 1/3 cup 113 475
Uncle Tobys Muesli 1/4cup 110 460
Just Right 2/3 cup 116 480
Coco Pops 3/4 cup 115 480
Bread (average all brands)
White Plain 1 slice 66 275
Toasting slice 1 slice 77 320
Wholemeal 1 slice 62 260
Rye 1 slice 66 275
Rice – White, cooked 1/2 cup 92 390
Brown, cooked 1/2 cup 93 390
Barbeque Shapes 1 11 45
Chocolate Chip Cookie 1 35 145
Chocolate Tim Tam 1 98 410
Delta Creams 1 73 305
Ginger Nut 1 42 175
Iced Vo Vo 1 60 245
Salada 1 60 255
Scotch Finger 1 90 375
Monte Carlo 1 95 400
Vita Weat 1 15 65
Blocks Plain/Nuts/Fruit 5-6 rows 160 670
Family Block Whole 1325 5540
Carob 100g 520 2170
Lindt: Lindor, balls 1 73 305
Mon Cheri 1 65 270
Cherry Ripe 55g 260 1090
Crunchie 80g 413 1730
Dove 48g 260 1085
Flake 30g 177 740
Kit Kat 2 wafers 104 435
M & M’s 1 pkt 238 995
Mars Bars 60g 265 1110
Picnic 55g 290 1210
Smarties 25g 116 485
Snickers 60g 283 1180
Whip 65g 303 1270
C.C’s 100g 490 2050
Cheezels 50g 260 1085
Twisties 50g 250 1045
Almonds 25-30 170 710
Cashews 12-16 180 755
Hazelnuts 30g 185 775
Macadamia 7 med 200 840
Peanuts – Raw 30g 120 500
Pecans 5-8 halves 105 440
Walnuts 15-20 185 775
Fruit – Fresh
Apple – medium 1 65 270
Apricots – medium 1 15 60
Banana – medium 1 87 365
Grapefruit – medium 1/2 20 85
Grapes – medium 1 125 525
Kiwifruit – medium 1 40 165
Lemon 1 23 95
Mandarin 1 35 145
Mango 1 102 425
Oranges – medium 1 80 335
Peach 1 40 167
Pear 1 69 290
Pineapple 1 33 140
Plums 1 33 140
Rockmelon 1/2 med 135 560
Strawberries 6 med 10 45
Tomato 1 med 20 85
Watermelon 1cupballs 35 145
Dried Fruit/30g
Apple Rings 10 rings 75 315
Apricots 5-6 80 335
Banana Chips 1/4 cup 155 650
Dates – pitted 4-5 83 345
Prunes – moist/plump 2-3 70 290
Sultanas 2 tbsp 92 385
Alfalfa/Bean Sprouts 100g 30 115
Asparagus 3 med 10 40
Beans 1/2 13 50
Broccoli 2 florets 11 45
Cabbage 1/2 7 30
Capsicum 1 med 25 105
Carrots 1 small 23 95
Cauliflower q/2 cup 20 85
Cucumber 150g 12 50
Garlic 1 clove 2 10
Ginger – grated 1 tsp 3 15
Lettuce 3 leaves 2 10
Lentils – cooked 100g 260 1085
Mushrooms 1/2 cup 15 60
Onions medium 30 125
Peas 1/4 cup 20 85
Potatoes medium 105 440
Pumpkin 100g 45 190
Zucchini 1/2 cup 11 45
Soft Drinks
Coca Cola 375ml can 154 645
Diet Coke/Pepsi 375ml can 1.5 6
Creaming Soda 375ml 170 710
Dr Pepper 375ml 157 655
Fanta 375ml 195 815
Ginger Ale 375ml 167 797
Lemon Soda Squash 375ml 176 735
Lemonade 375ml 160 670
Sarsparilla 375ml 180 750
Tonic Water 375 135 565

You may also wish to use our calorie converter or calorie burning calculator.

The information contained in this Site/Service is not intended nor is it implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice or taken for medical diagnosis or treatment.

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.