Chamomile (Roman)

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Chamomile (Roman) Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Anthemis nobilis) also see Chamomile German
Part of plant used – Flowers

Roman Chamomile has been used for centuries to treat various health and beauty complaints which require soothing and calming. This oil may be used on children to help them relax. It is a middle note.

Emotional Applications

  • to nurture your mind, spirit and body
  • to sooth
  • to open to intuition before taking actions
  • to relieve mild stress and anxiety

Physical Applications

  • Relief from PMS and cramps – massage, bath
  • Dry skin conditions – eczema, sunburn, rashes, broken capillaries and dermatitis – topical
  • Insect bites – bath, topical in carrier oil
  • Digestive problems – indigestion, diarrhoea, vomiting, dyspepsia or colic – massage
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Relaxes scalp – mix in shampoo
  • Lightens fair hair – mix in shampoo
  • Temporary relief of headache and migraine – massage on temples, neck and shoulders
  • Relaxes children who are tense or upset – bath (no. of drops depend on age – see entry on aromatherapy)
  • Inflamed joints – topical, then warm compress or bath
  • Sprains – warm compress


  • Do not take internally