Corn Silk (Zea mays)

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This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes. 

Corn Silk Fact Sheet

(Zea mays)


The part of the corn cob that is medicinal is the silky, golden threads at the end of the cob. These silky strands are particularly helpful for the kidneys, and urinary tract. They contain silica, sodium and potassium and calcium and magnesium phosphates.

How It May Benefit You…

  • cystitis
  • aids the proper functioning of the kidney, bladder and small intestine.
  • prescribed for bed-wetting
  • carpel tunnel syndrome
  • prostate disorders


No side effects are known.

WARNING: Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.