Doppler ultrasound test

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Doppler ultrasound test

Doppler ultrasound uses sound waves to examine and measure blood flow within blood vessels. It is commonly used in cases of varicose veins, deep venous thrombosis, poor circulation (peripheral vascular disease), blockage of the carotid artery (the major artery in the neck), and stroke. The area to be examined is covered with gel and a rounded probe is placed on the skin; the probe creates images which are shown on a screen. Painless Doppler ultrasound has replaced more invasive tests such as angiography.

What is it?
Doppler ultrasound is a test that examines and measures blood flow within blood vessels. It uses sound waves, which bounce of blood cells, allowing the blood flow to be measured.

Doppler ultrasound is performed in a radiology facility and takes less than an hour.

Why is it done?
Doppler ultrasound is done wherever it is important to measure and assess blood flow, reduced blood flow, or absent blood flow (blockage).

Common indications include:

  • Varicose veins
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD, or poor circulation)
  • Carotid artery occlusion/blockage (the carotid artery is the major artery in the neck)
  • Stroke (where carotid artery occlusion is suspected)

What happens?

Before – how to prepare
No special preparation is needed.

During – how the test is done
You will need to undress sufficiently for the area (usually the neck or leg) to be examined. A gel is put on the skin and the ultrasound probe (rounded plastic or metal device) is placed on the skin. This probe transmits and receives the sound waves to create images and data on a screen. The procedure is totally painless.

After the test
The results will be available soon after the test is completed.

Risks and Compilations
There are no risks associated with ultrasound examinations.

Special Issues
Doppler ultrasound examinations yield very useful information and have made more invasive tests, such as angiography, less essential.

Short Description
Doppler ultrasound uses sound waves to examine and measure blood flow within blood vessels.

Doppler ultrasound, ultrasound, sonar

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.