Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis)

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Eyebright Fact Sheet

(Euphrasia officinalis)


This herb has been used for centuries as a treatment for eye related problems such as irritations and infections. It can also be applied when the eyes are itching from hayfever, allergies or colds. The plant even looks as if it has bloodshot eyes as it has red spots on its white or purple flowers. It is also recommend to alleviate the symptoms of conjunctivitis, and to maintain good vision.

Eyebright teas are also used to diminish nasal congestion and coughs.

How It May Benefit You…

Use as an eyewash

  • eye irritations including redness, itching, and tearing from hay fever, other allergies, or colds
  • conjunctivitis.

Take internally for:

  • nasal congestion and coughs from colds, sinusitis, or allergies.


Eyebright may cause a skin rash or nausea. If this occurs, lessen your dose or stop taking completely.

WARNING: Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.


Over the counter… Available as a tea, capsules, and tinctures.


This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.