
Home > Health Information > Grapefruit

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Citrus paradisi, macfaden)
Part of plant used – fruit peel

Grapefruit is high in Vitamin C and works effectively against infections. Its aroma is refreshing, uplifting and citrusy. Is often used to help with different emotional states.

Emotional Applications

  • promotes activity and health
  • releases the past and creates excitement about the future and its opportunities

Physical Applications

  • Fluid retention – massage
  • Cellulite – massage – use firm upward strokes towards the heart to assist in eliminating toxins and wastes
  • Temporary relief of bronchial cough, colds and flu – steam inhalation or massage into chest, throat and neck
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, nervousness – vaporizer, bath, massage
  • Skin that is oily with enlarged pores and puffiness – steam inhalation


  • Do not take internally.
  • Do not use before going into the sun
  • Some people are sensitive to this oil – do a patch test first.