
Lavender Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Lavandula angustifolia)
Part of plant used – flowers and leaves

Lavender has many wonderful and health giving properties. It is a general healing oil which has an appealing elegant, floral aroma with woody undertones. This oil is a middle note. Lavender appeals to all sorts of people of different ages for emotional and physical healing.

Emotional Applications

  • calming
  • depression, hysteria
  • freedom from worries and concerns
  • increases concern for your own well being and health

Physical Applications

  • Relaxes when stressed, tense and mild anxiety – bath, massage, vaporizer
  • Burns and sunburn – gentle light massage
  • PMS – massage on abdomen in clockwise strokes
  • Psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema – massage
  • Hyperactivity and restlessness in children – bath, massage
  • Insect bites and stings – topical undiluted
  • Headaches – massage on temple, cheeks, neck and shoulders
  • Insomnia – put one drop onto pillow, vaporizer, bath


  • Do not take internally.