
This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes. 


Malaria is an infectious tropical disease spread by mosquitos.

What to look for

  • fever – sometimes the only symptom
  • other flu like symptoms such as – headache, fatigue, and nausea.
  • sudden chills and severe shaking.
  • profuse sweating.

Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Almost all tropical areas (Asia, Africa and India) have malaria-transmitting mosquitos.

Early symptoms of malaria include flu like characteristics. The disease has three distinct stages – a cold stage, a hot stage and a sweating stage.


Malaria is caused by a bite from the infected Anopheles mosquito, which injects the malaria parasites into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, they travel to the liver, where they multiply at a tremendous rate and begin to destroy red blood cells. This is what causes the symptoms of malaria.

There is one species of parasite which is fatal and it is highly resistant to anti-malaria drugs.

Others may lay dormant in your liver for years without making their presence known.

You will be given a blood test to determine if you have malaria.

Traditional Treatment

Left untreated malaria can be fatal. Quick and appropriate conventional treatment, however, can result in a speedy and complete recovery.

Alternative/Natural Treatments

Alternative therapies can treat the symptoms of malaria and help your body recover from conventional medications.

Herbal TherapiesBoneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), sometimes called feverwort, was used by Native Americans and early American colonists to treat feverish illnesses, including malaria.Boneset(Eupatorium perfoliatum), sometimes called feverwort, was used by Native Americans and early American colonists to treat feverish illnesses, including malaria.

HomoeopathyRemedies prescribed for malaria include Arsenicum album and Sulphur. Consult a Professional for dosages and length of treatment. Remedies prescribed for malaria include Arsenicum album and Sulphur. Consult a Professional for dosages and length of treatment.


Immunisation is the best prevention of this disease especially if you are travelling anywhere in the tropics.

  • Take a preventive antimalarial medication before, during, and after the trip.
  • Sleep under mosquito netting treated with an insecticide
  • Stay in buildings with air conditioning or screened doors and windows.
  • Stay indoors from dusk to dawn, the time when mosquitoes feed.
  • If you go out in the evening, wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.
  • Use a mosquito repellent

When to seek further professional advice

  • you experience the symptoms of malaria while in the affected areas of the world or up to several months after returning.

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.