Nerve Conduction Test

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Nerve Conduction Test

Alternative Names: Nerve conduction velocity

A nerve conduction test, which measures the speed at which impulses are transmitted along nerves, is done in cases of muscle weakness and when nerve damage is suspected. Damage can be caused by diabetic or alcoholic neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, Guillam-Barre syndrome, or a disc that pushes out from between the vertebrae and presses on a nerve. The electricity passing between electrodes, which are placed on the skin over the path of the nerve being examined, is measured. It is a painless and risk-free test.

What is it?
A nerve conduction test is a test that measures the speed at which impulses are transmitted along nerves.

The test can be done in your doctor’s rooms, a clinic, or in hospital and takes less than an hour to perform.

Why is it done?
A nerve conduction test is done when nerve damage is suspected. Common indications include:

  • Muscle weakness (muscles need nerve impulses to act)
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Alcoholic neuropathy
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Guillam-Barre syndrome
  • Intervertebral disc herniation (slipped disc) with nerve root pressure

What happens?

Before – how to prepare
No special preparation is necessary.

During – how the test is done
Electrodes are placed on your skin, over the path of the nerve being examined. A tiny electric current is passed through one electrode and is measured by the other(s). Given the distance between the electrodes (which is measured), the speed at which the impulse is carried can be calculated. The whole procedure is painless.

After the test
The results will be available immediately.

Risks and Compilations
There are no risks associated with this procedure.

Short Description
A nerve conduction test, which measures the speed at which impulses are transmitted along nerves, is done in cases of muscle weakness and when nerve damage is suspected.

nerve conduction test, Nerve conduction velocity, Nerve conduction velocity test, nerve test

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.