
Home > Health Information > Ophthalmoscopy

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Alternative Names: Fundoscopy

Ophthalmoscopy, or fundoscopy, examines the eye and retina (light sensitive layer at the back of the eye), using a special torch-like instrument (ophthalmoscope). This useful and simple test is part of routine eye examinations. It is especially important for diabetics, people with high blood pressure, and anyone who has vision problems. Some drops are placed in the eye to open (dilate) the pupils, and the light from the ophthalmoscope is shone directly in the eye.

What is it?
Ophthalmoscopy refers to the examination of the eye, using an ophthalmoscope, which is a special torch-like instrument.

It is usually performed in your doctor’s rooms and only takes a few minutes.

Why is it done?
Ophthalmoscopy is done to examine the eye, including the retina (light sensitive layer at the back of the eye). It forms part of routine eye examination, but is especially important for diabetics, people with high blood pressure, as well as anyone who has vision problems. A great many eye problems can be detected in this way.

What happens?

Before – how to prepare
No special preparation is needed. The examination will be more useful if your pupil is dilated (widened/opened). Your doctor may put some drops into your eyes to achieve this.

During – how the test is done
You will be seated on a chair or examination couch. Your doctor will shine the light from the ophthalmoscope directly into your eye, while you sit very still. This bright light may be uncomfortable.

After the test
If you have had your pupils dilated with eye drops, your vision may be blurred and you will be very sensitive to bright light. It may be unwise to drive for a few hours.

Risks and Compilations
There are no risks associated with this procedure.

Special Issues
This is a very useful and simple test that should really form part of any routine physical examination.

Short Description
Ophthalmoscopy, or fundoscopy, examines the eye and retina (light sensitive layer at the back of the eye), using a special torch-like instrument (ophthalmoscope).

Ophthalmoscopy, fundoscopy, eye examination, eye test

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.