Restless Leg Syndrome

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Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a neurological characterised by a tingling feeling or crawling sensation deep in the legs, which gives patients an urge to move their legs to relieve the discomfort.

What to look for

  • tingling sensation in the legs, accompanied by an irresistible urge to move the legs to relieve the sensation.

There is no definite cure for restless leg syndrome. People who suffer from the syndrome feel a tingling or crawling sensation in their legs and have an overwhelming need to move their legs. The ailment sometimes the arms.

Although restless leg syndrome is not fatal, it can be very uncomfortable. Both medication and lifestyle changes offer ways for sufferers to cope.


Restless leg syndrome is believed to be a genetic neurological condition brought on by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Caffeine may increase the symptoms. The syndrome has also been linked toiron or folic acid deficiencies, especially in people with kidney disease.

Traditional Treatment

Always speak to your doctor about this ailment as there are medications that relieve the discomfort.

If you are otherwise in good health, he or she may start you on a course of drug therapy.

Alternative/Natural Treatments

Some sufferers have found that alternative therapies can help lessen or relieve the physical discomfort associated with the condition.

Homoeopathy – If the patient’s leg movements are trembling and twitching, with the patient becoming very anxious and drinks small amounts quite often, then usually arsenicum album is prescribed.

Causticum is prescribed if the restlessness of the lower limbs is worse in bed in the morning and night. If the person cannot keep their legs still and the legs feel heavy to them, they would have medorbinum. Restless legs while the person is seated try Rhus toxicodendron.

Dietary Considerations

You may have deficiencies that could be contributing to your symptoms, take vitamin E, a multivitamin with iron, or a B-complex vitamin supplement. As well as this, folic acid maybe lacking in your system.(Go to Our Vitamin Section)

Personal Care

  • Avoid stimulating activities up to three hours before bed
  • To reduce stress soak your feet in cool water.

When to seek further professional advice

  • you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed in the description section for the first time

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.