
This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes. 


Tinnitus a sensation of ringing in the ears or the head.

What to look for

  • a noise in the ears, such as ringing. It may come and go or be continuous.
  • hearing loss occasionally.

With tinnitus, the noise heard can be so soft that the person can hear it only when trying to sleep or so loud that it is audible at all times.

Tinnitus is very common and can be quite annoying for people afflicted with it. Sometimes the noise is so disturbing that the person cannot sleep or carry on a normal conversation.

Sometimes infections or blockages in the ear can cause this condition and it is a simple matter of treating the cause. However there may be instances when the ringing does not cease once the infection or blockage is removed.


There are many things which can cause tinnitus, such as…

  • Too much wax in the ear
  • Infections
  • A hole in the eardrum
  • A tumour or growth
  • Too much exposure to loud noise – this is the most common cause. (You only have to be exposed to a loud concert to experience tinnitus instantly. The noise can last for days afterwards. )
  • Certain medications can cause tinnitus.
  • High blood pressure
  • Allergies
  • Anaemia
  • Underactive thyroid.

Traditional Treatment

Speak with your doctor to have the condition examined. There may be an illness that is causing it which needs to be treated.

If the tinnitus is still there after all other ailments have been treated, there are a few more things you can do to help the condition…

  • Get your doctor to clean out your ears – there may be excess wax inside them.
  • There are certain medications available which may help.
  • Hearing aid type devices which mask the annoying sound of tinnitus.

Alternative/Natural Treatments

Herbal Therapies Ginkgo has been found useful in minimising the distress of tinnitus. Don’t expect immediate results from ginkgo; you may need to take the remedy for several weeks before experiencing any relief. Ginkgo has been found useful in minimising the distress of tinnitus. Don’t expect immediate results from ginkgo; you may need to take the remedy for several weeks before experiencing any relief.

Homoeopathy Several homoeopathic remedies are prescribed for tinnitus. You may be prescribed one of the following: Several homoeopathic remedies are prescribed for tinnitus. You may be prescribed one of the following:

  • If the noise is a buzzing or hissing sound, Chininum sulphuricum.
  • If the noise is a ringing sound with no other symptoms, Kali iodatum.
  • If the noise is a roaring sound and is accompanied by some hearing loss, Salicylicum acidum.
  • If roaring sounds are accompanied by a tingling sensation and by the feeling that the ears are blocked, Carboneum sulphuratum.


Regular exercise that increases blood circulation to the head may help bring some relief from tinnitus.

Hypnosis has been known to work for some tinnitus sufferers.

Dietary Considerations

To improve blood circulation to your ears, reduce the saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet. And keep eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin B12 and vitamin A supplements may be at least partially effective against tinnitus.

Personal Care

  • Avoid loud noises
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine.
  • Lessen the salt in your diet.
  • If you have trouble sleeping buy a white noise tape or CD which will cover up the unwanted noise in your ears.
  • Avoid too much aspirin.

When to seek further professional advice

  • you have tinnitus;
  • the noise is accompanied by pain, dizziness or pus in the ear.

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.