Vitamin B Complex

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Vitamin B Complex

These Vitamins are Essential For…

The vitamin B complex is a combination of essential vitamins. Although each is a distinct nutrient, the B vitamins coexist in many of the same foods and often work together to maintain the health of the metabolism, skin, hair and muscle, immune and nervous system, eyes, liver, digestion system.

They promote cell growth and control stress, anxiety, headaches, depression, and cardiovascular disease.


Foods rich in B-complex vitamins include liver and other organ meats, fish, poultry, brewer’s yeast, eggs, beans and peas, dark-green leafy vegetables, whole-grain cereals, and dairy products. B vitamins, which are water-soluble, are dispersed throughout the body and must be replenished daily; any excess is excreted in urine.

Deficiencies Can Cause…

  • Oily and scaly skin,
  • upset stomach,
  • headaches,
  • anxiety,
  • moodiness,
  • heart arrhythmia’s.

A deficiency of one B vitamin usually means that intake of all B vitamins is low. It is wise to take a B complex. Most B vitamins are non-toxic unless taken in excessively large amounts.

These Vitamins are Essential For…

The vitamin B complex is a combination of essential vitamins. Although each is a distinct nutrient, the B vitamins coexist in many of the same foods and often work together to maintain the health of the metabolism, skin, hair and muscle, immune and nervous system, eyes, liver, digestion system.

They promote cell growth and control stress, anxiety, headaches, depression, and cardiovascular disease.


Foods rich in B-complex vitamins include liver and other organ meats, fish, poultry, brewer’s yeast, eggs, beans and peas, dark-green leafy vegetables, whole-grain cereals, and dairy products. B vitamins, which are water-soluble, are dispersed throughout the body and must be replenished daily; any excess is excreted in urine.

Deficiencies Can Cause…

  • Oily and scaly skin,
  • upset stomach,
  • headaches,
  • anxiety,
  • moodiness,
  • heart arrhythmia’s.

A deficiency of one B vitamin usually means that intake of all B vitamins is low. It is wise to take a B complex. Most B vitamins are non-toxic unless taken in excessively large amounts.

This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.