Vitamin Counter

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This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes. 

Vitamin Counter

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Top Vitamin A Foods

Food Amount Vitamin A (mcg)
Liver, fried 1 slice 9x7x.5cm 14160
Pate 1 slice, 9x7x.5cm 3780
Liverwurst 1 tbsp 2000
Carrot, raw, peeled 1/2 cup, slices 1160
Mangoes, raw 1 fruit, 10x7cm 590
Cheese-flovoured snack 1 packet 570
Pumpkin, peeled 1/2 cup, pieces 380
Whole sweet condensed milk 1 cup 353
Mixed veg. frozen 1/2 cup 320
Veg soup, home prep 1 cup 230
Rockmelon,raw 1 cup, diced 230
Pawpaw, raw 1 cup, diced 230
Sweet potatoes 1/2 cup, mashed 230
hamburger, cheese 1 220
Reduced fat butter 1 tbsp 220
Reduced fat margarine 1 tbsp 220
Canned vegetable juice 1 cup 204
Apricots, canned in syrup 1 cup 204
Apricots, canned in syrup 1 cup 190
Full fat butter 1 tbsp 170
Apricot juice drink 1 cup 150
Tomato pasta sauce 1 cup 120

Top carotene – foods

Food Amount Carotenes
Carrots, peeled 1/2 cup, slices 6.88
Mangoes 1 Mango 35.1
Cheese-flavoured snack 1 packet 2.74
Pumpkin, peeled, boiled 1/2 cup, pieces 2.28
Mixed vegetables, frozen, boiled 1/2 cup 1.91
Spinach, boiled 1/2 cup, chopped 1.59
Rockmelon 1 cup, diced 1.38
Pawpaw 1 cup, diced 1.37
Sweet potatoes, peeled, 1/2 cup, mashed 1.37
Vegetable juice, canned 1 cup 1.25
Vegetable soup 1 cup 1.17
Apricot juice drink 1 cup 0.88
Pasta sauce 1 cup 0.73
Minestrone soup 1 cup 0.67
Guavas 1 guava 0.49
Parsley 10 springs 0.49
Tomatoes 1 medium 0.45
Capsicum 1/4 cup, chopped 0.44
Orange juice 1 cup 0.40
Tomato Juice 1 cup 0.39
Apricot 3 medium 0.36
Leek, boiled 1/2 cup, sliced 0.36
Avocado 1/2 avocado 0.35
Green peas, boiled 1/2 cup 0.35
Top Thiamin Foods
Food Amount Thiamin
Pork 1 cup, diced 1.22
Kidney, simmered 1 cup, sliced 0.72
Butterfly steak 1 steak 0.67
Swiss style muesli 1/2 cup 0.63
Vegemite 1/2 tsp 0.54
Big Mac 1 serve 0.53
Oats, rolled, raw 1 cup 0.50
Brazil nuts 1/2 cup 0.48
Ready-to-eat breadfast 1 cup 0.48
Cream chicken soup, canned 1 cup 0.46
Pearl barley, boiled 1 cup 0.42
Cashews, roasted, salted 1/2 cup 0.37
Pistachios 1/2 cup 0.37
Ham steak, grilled 1 serve 0.36
Wholemeal pasta, boiled 1 cup 0.36
Cannelloni, commercial 1 serve 0.34
Bread, lebanese, wholemeal 1 slice 0.33
Bream, fried 1 fillet 21x11cm 0.32
Tomato soup, canned 1 cup 0.31
Scallops, heated 1 cup 0.30
Skim milk, sweetened condensed 1 cup 0.30
Vita Brits 2 biscuits 0.28
Wholemeal brad roll 6×9.5 cm 0.27
Top Riboflavin Foods
Food Amount Riboflavin (mg)
Lambs liver, fried 1 slice, 9.5cm 1.80
Vegemite 1.2 tsp 0.66
Muesli 1/2 cup 0.55
Ready-to-eat cereal 1 cup 0.49
So Good soy drink 1 cup 0.48
Fruit yoghurt 1 tub 0.46
Vita Brits 2 biscuits 0.43
Milk, whole and skim 1 cup 0.40
Almonds, blanched 1/4 cup 0.38
Beef, cooked, lean 3/4 cup, diced 0.36
Beef steak, grilled 1 small 0.35
Veal, cooked 3/4 cup, diced 0.34
Pork, cooked 3/4 cup, diced 0.31
Lamb, cooked 3/4 cup, diced 0.30
Custard 1/2 cup 0.29
Malted milk powder 1 tbsp 0.27
Meat pie 1 pie 0.27
Pink salmon, canned 1/2 cup, drained 0.26
Sausages, grilled 2 thick 0.20
Milk chocolate block 6 squares 0.17
Brazil nuts 1/4 cup 0.17
Eggs, boiled 1 medium 0.17

Top Niacin Foods

Food Amount Niacin (mg)
Tuna, canned 1/2 cup, drained 23.2
Salmon, canned 1/2 cup, drained 17.5
Beef, cooked, lean and fat 3/4 cup, diced 15.7
Veal, cooked, lean 3/4 cup, diced 14.7
Lamb, cooked, lean 3/4 cup, diced 14.1

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This glossary is intended as a reference tool only. Please note that we do not stock all products mentioned in this section. It is purely for informational purposes.